3 Steps to Improve Your Spoken English With Just 5 Minutes A Day

Improving English is a priority many professionals have, but some don’t even know where to begin. Some feel uncomfortable speaking English, but how will they get comfortable if they don’t speak it? In this article, you will find 3 steps to improve your spoken English.

If you think, write, and speak in Spanish all day, every day, you might find it very difficult to switch to English and start talking like a native to a client, a tourist, or your boss... To get comfortable with English, you have to speak it every day at least a little bit.  

But incorporating English as a daily habit is not easy; it requires planning, motivation, determination, and time.

You are not alone. Like many professionals, you probably want to practice in a safe space without any judgment. Well, sometimes, it is up to you to create that space.

I present to you 3 simple steps to improve your spoken English on your own. 

With these 3 steps, you can create an English habit that will help you feel comfortable, confident, and fluent when speaking English.  

Steps to improve your spoken English:

Schedule it!

Schedule your English habit for a total of 10 minutes in your calendar, preferably at the same time, and from Monday to Saturday every morning. If you leave it on your to-do list, it will never get done! Schedule it!

Explain, Summarize, and/or give your opinion in front of a mirror for 5 minutes

Limit your daily reading and/or listening to 5 minutes, then give a 5-minute explanation, summary, and/or opinion in front of the mirror. Recommendation: record yourself to see how much you have progressed.

Not sure what to read or listen to? 

English is everywhere… on youtube, Instagram, websites, movies, series, and training. Find a specific topic you want to learn about, search it on the internet. You will have an unlimited source of material.   

When the 5 minutes are over, you can move on to the next task in your calendar

Once the 5 minutes are over, you can give yourself a pat on the back. You are building an English Habit. Maybe, later on, you could increase it after the habit is formed.  

Don’t be shy with yourself; look at yourself in the mirror and start talking! After the 5 minutes are over, you can go about your day knowing that you are working towards improving your English.

Next time, English will not be so scary. After all, you have made it part of your daily routine!!!


Safe place     =     lugar seguro

Judgment     =     juicio

It’s up to you    =     depende de ti

Summarize     =      resumir

Once      =     una vez

Give yourself a pat on the back    =     date una palmada en la espalda

After all     =       después de todo


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